Case studies

Integrating ATM Network with VFT’s Core Banking System Temenos T24

VisionFund Tanzania Logo


VisionFund Tanzania (VFT) recognized the need to enhance its cash disbursement and collection channels to better serve its clients for loans and savings mobilizations. Facing inefficiencies and challenges with existing channels, VFT management made the strategic decision to join a local bank ATM network, providing clients with greater access to disbursed loans, fund management, and repayments.


Our company was subcontracted by RJB Systems Inc. to develop an interface between the local bank of Tanzania and VFT's core banking system, Temenos T24, to facilitate this transformation. Our key responsibilities included:

  • ISO8583 Protocol Implementation: We implemented the ISO8583 protocol to facilitate seamless communication between the local bank's ATM network and Temenos T24, ensuring standardized and secure transaction processing.
  • Custom Protocol for POS Transactions: In addition to the ISO8583 protocol, we developed a custom protocol specifically tailored for Point of Sale (POS) transactions, enabling efficient processing of card-based transactions.
  • Card Information Generation: We developed functionality within Temenos T24 to generate card information for VFT's clients, facilitating the issuance of cards for accessing ATM services.
  • Transaction Handling: Our solution handled various types of transactions, including customer deposits, withdrawals, balance inquiries, and funds transfers, ensuring a smooth and reliable banking experience for VFT's clients.
  • Web Application Development: We designed and developed a fully functional web application for users to monitor transactions, reprocess transactions in case of failures, and implement a stand-in mode to handle transactions when the core banking system is unavailable.
  • Automatic Reconciliation: We implemented automatic reconciliation mechanisms to streamline the process of matching transactions between the local bank's ATM network and Temenos T24, reducing manual effort and errors.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Our solution included comprehensive reporting capabilities to provide insights into transaction volumes, trends, and reconciliation status, enabling informed decision-making for VFT's management.

Key Outcomes:

  • Enhanced Accessibility: By joining the local bank ATM network, VFT's clients gained expanded access to cash disbursements, fund management, and repayments, improving financial inclusion and convenience.
  • Efficient Transaction Processing: Our interface solution enabled seamless and efficient processing of transactions between the local bank's ATM network and Temenos T24, enhancing operational efficiency for VFT.
  • Streamlined Operations: Automatic reconciliation and comprehensive reporting capabilities streamlined operations for VFT, reducing manual effort and providing valuable insights for management decision-making.


By modernizing its cash disbursement and collection channels through integration with a local bank ATM network, Vision Fund Tanzania has taken a significant step towards improving its financial services delivery. The seamless communication between systems, coupled with user-friendly interfaces and automated processes, has transformed the client experience and enhanced operational efficiency. With Sysbu's expertise and innovative solutions, VFT is well-positioned to continue its mission of empowering communities through access to financial services.

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