Case studies

NBV Data warehouse and reporting


The National Bank of Vanuatu faced challenges with its legacy reporting system, which hindered its ability to meet internal and regulatory reporting requirements effectively. To address this issue, the bank sought a robust reporting solution capable of handling its diverse reporting needs efficiently.


In collaboration with the National Bank of Vanuatu, we embarked on a comprehensive journey to overhaul their reporting infrastructure and usher in a new era of efficiency and reliability. Leveraging our expertise in data analysis and banking technology, we implemented a cutting-edge solution tailored to the bank's specific needs.


  • Data Analysis and Design: We meticulously analyzed the reporting requirements for over 60 reports, gaining insights into the bank's data landscape. Based on this analysis, we designed a sophisticated data warehouse capable of centralizing and organizing vast amounts of data for reporting purposes.
  • Integration with Temenos T24: Harnessing our profound knowledge of Temenos T24 Core Banking System (CBS), we seamlessly integrated it with the newly designed data warehouse. This integration facilitated the extraction of daily transactional information from Temenos T24, ensuring data accuracy and timeliness.
  • Advanced Reporting System: Harnessing Sysbu's low-code platform integrated reporting system, equivalent to leading Business Intelligence (BI) platforms, our solution swiftly generates reports online in mere seconds, irrespective of the date range. This capability empowers users to make quick decisions and apply data filters efficiently. Offering versatile report formats such as tabular layouts, charts, and export options to PDF, Excel, and CSV, our system ensures comprehensive data accessibility. Additionally, it boasts pivot table functionality, further enhancing analytical capabilities.


  • Enhanced Efficiency: By centralizing reporting data and automating the reporting process, the National Bank of Vanuatu experienced a significant boost in efficiency, saving time and resources.
  • Improved Compliance: Our solution ensured that the bank met internal and regulatory reporting requirements with precision and timeliness, reducing the risk of compliance issues.
  • Real-time Insights: With our advanced reporting system, stakeholders could access up-to-date reports instantaneously, empowering them to make informed decisions promptly.


Through our collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, we transformed the reporting landscape for the National Bank of Vanuatu, empowering them to navigate the complexities of modern banking with confidence and ease. By leveraging the combined power of data analysis, technology integration, and advanced reporting capabilities, we enabled the bank to achieve unparalleled efficiency and compliance in its reporting processes.

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